Glenn's Please Pick Me Up App or Website Idea

Discussion in 'LastOS News' started by Glenn, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member


    This is a very very rough draft idea I came up with after wanting to help someone and then a 2nd person needing the same advice I just gave out. I was told by a few people that I am a really good teacher and I can explain things in a way that is easy to understand, this gave me the confidence to actually try and help more people with my experience and knowledge. on with the show:

    I have had a tough year (as many of us have), on top of that I have had a tough 26 years dealing with depression, anxiety and many other bad or low moods. But in the last year I have gotten over my depression and now I am getting over my sadness, I have gained much wisdom and learnt from many places.

    Ok a little background, I didn't have depression because of a broken mind, I had depression because I was diagnosed with it, but it turned out November 2019 I was chatting to a psychiatrists and he said "you do know you have autism right?", "I just casually said "yeah I thought I might", but hearing those words and him saying I have Asperger's made me switch my hyper focus away from modding OS's and using PC's to distract myself into learning all about it - the limitations, the struggles and the different way we process the world. I was shocked to see all the things I had a hard time doing were so common amongst Asperger's and many cross over with Depression/Introverts that I had to learn more. I made the connection that if it's just a processing issue then it's not real and only my perceptions stopping me. This led me to me becoming open and "awake", I started learning that people are what's most important and I gradually switched to becoming a sort of extrovert. all my limitations were gone, all my bad/broken/uniqueness\weirdness had started to become my strengths. The struggles I went through made me strong enough that I could be myself without worrying what the world thinks or if they judge me. I noticed my biggest flaw and it needed months of me youtubing and learning. I was emotionally immature (Here is the video that gave me the tools I used to build on that);

    Anyway on to the idea;

    Please Pick Me Up <- Working name.

    Main purpose and design - Make a online multiple choice quiz that will find the cause of known depression types and offer solutions and ideas to help reduce or even stop it. Expand to cover Anxiety and other issues as I learn about them.

    The way it will work is the user picks the things that are relevant to their life and it generates a paragraph or so letting them know ways to deal with it, insights and actual advice. As it's not a diagnosis or medical advice it is legal and my thoughts are if it helps one or two people then it is worth my time. I find that the quiz method makes you invest and spend the time to read the results and that is why I try to connect to the user.

    Will have a disclaimer on it that it works for you but you dont take responsibility for how it affects any one else

    Some of the questions I have so far (still very early I just want to put it out there and I trust my team to give feedback and support :) sorry I have been very absent but I was on a journey and growing and now I am back);

    Have you felt suicidal in your life? - (Yes / No) -

    Yes - result/response may be something like ("Low self worth and those kinds of feelings are made up in your head when you don't feel a connection to a community", advice may be " the best thing you can do to build community is communication (people are not going to be put off by your low moods they will want to help you, your brain plays tricks on you), this leads to you wanting to help them back and this is how it builds and begins to heal you self value".

    No - "I am glad that you have lived a life filled with self worth and purpose." or maybe say nothing depending on the feedback from users.

    Do you have low energy? - (Yes / No) -

    Yes - "The amount of energy your body feels is relating to the rest your mind has and the exercise you did the days and weeks before". Advice - "When you take a break in life to rest your mind, do use it focusing on the problems or judging yourself, just let things go you can't control or tell yourself you will deal with them later when you have the energy and time to deal with them." "Any form of exercise every day will build up your energy levels, this leads to your brain releasing chemicals that make you feel good and makes you actually want to exercise, it just takes a week or two to feel the change, stick to it and even if you don't feel like it, go anyway and you'll thank yourself for the effort".

    * Not all will be yes and no, but some can be.

    Many, many more insights and questions I can now answer but I need a good length of time to document them all and I will work on this as I find time, I may need to borrow the server to build the site so whoever is paying the hosting costs at the moment, let me know the details so I can contribute again please.


    Some of my Realizations;
    Steps to peace and how peace is required for happiness

    Suicide, is focusing on your own problems too much. Let go of the things you can not change and know your the only you so stop judging and comparing yourself to others.

    Helping/teaching others is the leading cause of joy in life.

    It takes 60 to 90 seconds to have a physical feeling pass, breath through it instead of reacting.

    * Will edit/add as I get time, feedback can start whenever you guys have some free time to consider if you are interested in building this, using this or just being supportive.

    Thank you in advance


    Started it now, no going back:

    -Edit 2-

    Possible layout and generation method:
    // The Answer levels sort the order of information and the amount of detail for each generated response.
    Have you ever quacked?
    Never, Once, Sometimes, Always
    Your a Duck
    You heard a duck and couldnt see one
    Stop quacking or caring if you quack, thats quackers.
    Never, Once, Sometimes, Always
    Have you ever felt suicidal?
    Never, Once, Sometimes, Always
    Focusing on your own problems.
    Lack of Community.
    Do not be afraid to talk to people about it, they want to help you through it.
    Try to help others deal with their problems.
    Have you ever felt worthless?
    Never, Once, Sometimes, Always
    You do not have a big enough support network of friends, each person can give you a different perspective.
    You should stop judging and comparing yourself to others, there isn't another you in the world so be yourself, you are enough to just exist.
    Do you ever lose control of your emotions/responses?
    Never, Once, Sometimes, Always
    You could have a low Emotional Maturity in one or all areas of your life.
    You are suffering through a life event that you can't yet resolve.
    You have stresses that decrease you ability to currently stay calm.
    An emotion is a physical response before it's a mental one, but the physical response only lasts between 60 and 90 seconds and then goes away. If you breath through that time you can think and give a controlled reaction.
    You may be taking something personally or as an attack on you, but it's usually the other person is dealing with their own issues, so let them have their say, you don't have to fight to be right, you just need to see both your side and theirs (even if you disagree).
    If your angry with yourself then you need to be as forgiving as you are to other people when they disappoint your expectations.
    Do you find it hard to be happy?
    Never, Once, Sometimes, Always
    You may feel afraid or feeling nothing at all, this is a normal reaction to feeling unheard, alone, forgotten, less than others.
    You may have place your happiness on to another person instead of taking responsiblity for your own happiness.
    Before you can have happiness you have to have peace, until you can remove the fears from your mind and be present now instead of thinking about the past or the future, you can not feel contented and become happy.
    You need to realise that happiness is a choice and something you feel about yourself, it doesn't depend on anyone or anything else, it's all just how you feel about yourself right now.
    -edit 3-

    Working template in place, still lots of work to do

    * Added a simple quiz Javascript so far, may change to mySQL and php instead, but can build a quicker template to get the data generation happening first. Has a taste of some insights, but much more to come
    6100m, mircea, 00Proteus00 and 4 others like this.
  2. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Oh and I got good modding OS's, now I am planning on modding people so their lives are easier, just like my OS's

    I want to give the tools and combine the ideas into one easy to use place.

    I hope to make it donation ware as it's more about helping the most people than making us rich so please consider that if you were planning on putting in time to this project.

    This is nothing like the usual projects we work on here :D
  3. Ghost

    Ghost Administrator

    I will say that this is honestly one area I have to deal with, with my wife, I will be back on this as I need to ask my wife personal Q's.
    00Proteus00 and Glenn like this.
  4. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    I think it's great. And really kind of aligned with our usual work here, just that it's about our internal OS or mind :)

    There is a lot of professional help out there, but the anecdotal first-hand experiences and personal approach are very valuable for people IMO.
    mircea, 00Proteus00 and Glenn like this.
  5. 57331

    57331 Guest

    Same there..... I literally have dealt with depression, and a lot of suicidal and fucked-up thoughts over the years. Oh, and a lot of bullshit over the years as well. Don't you just love it when your so-called "friends" turn against you and talk shit against you behind your back when you snap and have a meltdown because one of the so-called "friends" purposely stirred up drama and when you have also literally busted your ass to help them and even stupidly spent money on one of them? Or when you are literally bullied, attacked, and harassed at "school" for years and the "staff" and "teachers" barely do jackshit to stop it? Meh, whatever, sorry for my sob story here. I'll probably end up getting raided by the police and thrown in jail and have my life ruined eventually one day due to fucking up big time. Fact: I was also diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at 3 years old. Fun.....

    Well, anyways, nice to see that you are back, Glenn. Do you finally have a working computer or what? Looking forward to testing this, hopefully I'll be back with feedback soon. Also, here's a related song as well, I guess, because why not.:

    6100m and Trouba like this.
  6. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I have a Asus laptop from 2014 that has had the SSD replaced with a Magnetic 5400rpm one, the screen has the ASUS logo burnt into it and it's very pale and washed out to look at. but it's not slowing me down too much as I run a LastOS, except the latest MS update wont apply and it also stops the hardware drivers auto installing until it does (meaning I have no sleep or anything on this laptop so have to cold boot it). I will install it with the latest LTSC when it releases then build you all a Last21 :D and update all your fav apps.

    As for your life, I am confident that between all us smart people who have dealt with this stuff all our life, something good or great can be made and maybe even help us sort ourselves out a little better, always room for improvement and I have always wanted to do more or leave something unique behind more than a OS that will go out of date. People have been suffering with mental crap for so long and although we are not the same, we all have very VERY similar needs. So I think we can do something anyway, even if it only helps fellow Autism Sufferers it's important. But I feel we are closer to understanding them (neuro topicals) than we are ourselves. Fact is everybody suffers from this kind of thing at least once in their life.

    Maybe I could just write a book or a blog or post a bunch of pictures, I just felt it would work better as a custom generated response to each user. I am having a hard time picking up CSS, but the java and the html is easy enough. I'll get the data built over the next month or so, but the end product wont be based on the existing template I am building it in :)
    Trouba and 00Proteus00 like this.
  7. 57331

    57331 Guest

    The one you mentioned in one of your previous posts? Also, try connecting an external monitor to it to have a better screen to look at. Looking forward to your Last21 build as well! You should see my WinBorg 7 release, I have actually managed to revive it with soporific's permission and assistance, lol.

    True, you should always take action and do something interesting and unique with your life instead of just sitting around and doing nothing at all. Oh, and I can't forget as well - why even let people walk over you as well? I stupidly let people do so all over me for years, and it ended badly for me. cough cough. Just like the British and French appeasement of Nazi Germany and Italy in the mid-1930's. cough cough.

    I tried to learn good old HTML and PHP via Codecademy over the last few years (Python as well.), but I didn't really just commit fully to it, I guess. Eh, whatever, a good old website that looks like that it's from the beginning of the internet is just as good and many times lighter too anyway, lol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2021
    6100m and 00Proteus00 like this.
  8. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Feedback from my eldest son, busy studying at uni as software engineer but has some good ideas to make use of the data once it's written.

    I like the idea of conveying your experience into a resource for others to benefit from. But the quiz might eventually get very lengthy and someone might not have the patience to get to a question that will get them what they need. Maybe a web-app (so everyone can use it on any device easily) with a side-bar that includes all the questions as well as a way to navigate categories. Then once you find what you need, it will ask the question and you select a drop-down menu?
    00Proteus00, Trouba and bphlpt like this.
  9. 6100m

    6100m Member

    I've been doing server security for I think 11 months now? If you make a github repo for it, lemme know, I could help. My focuses in code are usually speed, optimizations, minifying, and security. Although I keep trying to stray away from minifying though.

    I am 6100m on github by the way. (of course lol)
    Glenn likes this.
  10. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I haven't forgotten this project but I have been busy living and not had time to work on much, but I will share some more of my story so you all know what I've been processing in the back of my mind; this is a post from a Facebook Asperger's group that I wrote up after spending 3am until 4am last night responding to someone who was struggling, I then rewrote it this morning to make it more broad.

    I responded this to a member here who was suffering from depression and finding self worth, I then removed it and decided that maybe it might be useful if I spent more time typing it up and making it more broad, to serve as a map to guide some people through, it is only my story, so the example given is through my eyes as a newly diagnosed Autistic 40 year old man who was told he had major depressive disorders since he was 14.

    Self worth v2.0

    A big life event/change made me decide to get past my version of a common story (the depression and worthlessness inside), I realised all the worry, all the pain and all the suicide thoughts didn't help me at all, so I chose to get out of my head and ignore my Inner thoughts, my little voice I told to shut up and I stopped listening to, I replaced it with some new beliefs and from this very simple change and focus on peace, growth and going with the flow instead of fighting each thought and feeling I was able to find the peace that thoughts of suicide had only ever brought me. I stopped fighting to change/control everything as so many things are out of our control, it's better to let go and trust things will be ok.

    I did this by focusing on learning about my newly discovered autism, what the "limitations" were and I realised except for the physically painful ones, I can do and get past ANYTHING my mind told me I couldn't, so instead of letting my mind talk me out if it or stop me moving forward, I did it anyway - the results made me feel better than doing what I used to, or when I did nothing at all. I taught myself to focus on other people's problems instead of my own. This made a huge difference as the people in my life started to appreciate me for once. I became 100% my genuine self and ignored ANYONE who judged me, those who did make me feel drained, worthless or angry, I avoided or fully removed from my life, with no regrets as I knew, I would have been dead and truly worthless to everybody, so I focused on the moment I live in. I stopped all routine, I stopped making plans, once I removed all expectations from my life I was NEVER disappointed anymore and the peace and warmth I felt growing in my heart and mind gave my life purpose and meaning. I discovered that through understanding and compassion, taking a breath before responding and thinking before I spoke made me change perspectives. I saw that understanding and being understood, being respected and listening without judging was so natural and uplifting to me. No longer was I a prisoner to how negative life was, I had the power to chose to do nothing in peace without guilt, or to take action (like this message to you), realising I have a choice to lift people up with my wisdom and actions, or tear them (or myself) down. Why does anybody chose the 2nd bad choice? Because they expect it, they are scared of previous experiences happening again. The fact is as you grow you can choose to change the dialogue, change what's important to you and most of all chose how to feel, happiness isn't found, it's created. I stopped being judged by everybody, I now go on swings and slides at the park, kick a footy, take walks/hikes, eat out in public, use telephones, pay bills myself, talk to strangers with conference and knowing my worth. I used to think all this was impossible and I was truly worthless, but by not allowing my mind to control my actions and taking control of my own thoughts and feelings (as much as I can and forgiving when I fail), part of growing is trying new things that make you VERY uncomfortable, realising that you will make mistakes (this proves you are trying and learning), but this is actually much better than doing nothing and being stuck/trapped in life.

    So chose what is hard, ignore what others say, build people up, take rest days as you need without any guilt, they are just as important as busy days and you have every right to have what you need regardless of how others "feel" about it, you have to answer to no one but yourself, so accept what you can't control or change and let it go, forgive others for not understanding, most don't have the open mind or heart to see things with the depth we do, so forgive them when they use their life programming to make sense of things instead of using their own minds and hearts. Life is so much bigger than the little pictures people put value on. It takes so much mental energy to grow, but your brain is like a muscle and when you find the right thing for you, then accept help from those you learn to trust and start living and filling the space in this world you deserve to have, you will no longer live in the doubt and negativity that comes with years of abuse, years of pain. Instead of being bitter from it, rise above and show compassion and understanding to others, show/chose love and peace. Because without either, you have no true value in your life at all. It does NOT take physical death to have peace, just the death of your self, your ego, your warped reality of what is important as this all needs to be throw out and rewritten from the ground up until you are happy in yourself with the person you were today and try and be the best you that you can sustain everyday. Never listen to anyone else without filtering it through your scepticism, they are only projecting their insecurities, doubts and jealousy/anger on to you, they don't know what you need, what is best for you or do they care about you at all once you are out of their sight, nore should you care about them. You care about yourself and who is right in front of you with the acceptance that those who have love for you will understand they can never be your everything, that you need a tribe of people with similar beliefs and values to feel included and that you can share your thoughts without being attacked or put down. They are your thoughts and unless it's constructive criticism then it has no purpose to you at all except to let you know to avoid that topic with this person ever again. You don't have to be right, you don't have to be heard, but you also don't have to stay silent, do it out of love and it will never be the wrong choice. There is no point in hurting or controlling things, it's just an illusion if you think you have power, it may make some afraid of you, but respect can only be earnt and through example. Stop judging/criticising yourself, it's not your job to keep hurting yourself, once you have learnt your lesson, let it go and move on to the next thing. If you don't learn your lesson or chose to ignore it, life will find away to repeat the lesson to you anyway.

    This is a lot but it's so much bigger, very hard to explain, but I hope some of this is a map to help others out of some of the dark places inside their heads.

    Love from Glenn
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021

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