New ride

Discussion in 'Interesting/Unrelated' started by -c0dez3ro-, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. -c0dez3ro-

    -c0dez3ro- Moderator Staff Member

    Not related in any way but wanted to share what I've been working my arse off for .
    2017 mustang GT 5.0
    the coyote 5.0 motor with racing headers, exhaust and tuned. A stage 2 built trans, 6 speed short shifter. Rxt clutch, Shelby Gt350 axles

    Snapchat-780613083.jpg Snapchat-608546848.jpg Snapchat-1618954403.jpg Snapchat-855803481.jpg Snapchat-1216049377.jpg Snapchat-756979909.jpg Snapchat-1510958674.jpg

    Attached Files:

    chevy350, Glenn and Trouba like this.
  2. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    Cool :D Nice woods and hills, too, where is that?
  3. bphlpt

    bphlpt A lowly staff member Staff Member

    -c0dez3ro- likes this.
  4. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Nice choice of car and color... Glad you got the tool/toy you really wanted, makes the hours away from family almost worth it. Keep it insured :D
    -c0dez3ro- likes this.
  5. -c0dez3ro-

    -c0dez3ro- Moderator Staff Member

    ill have to grab some pics wheni get home over the weekend
  6. -c0dez3ro-

    -c0dez3ro- Moderator Staff Member

    near the mountains in near boone north Carolina
    Trouba likes this.
  7. Ghost

    Ghost Administrator

    We have good taste.

    -c0dez3ro- and bphlpt like this.
  8. -c0dez3ro-

    -c0dez3ro- Moderator Staff Member

    dude thats what i really want , ill trade ya lol
  9. -c0dez3ro-

    -c0dez3ro- Moderator Staff Member

  10. -c0dez3ro-

    -c0dez3ro- Moderator Staff Member

    Trouba likes this.
  11. bphlpt

    bphlpt A lowly staff member Staff Member

    Nice! Very clean.
  12. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    I should probably make a new thread titled "Old ride" lol, but recently I had some repairs done to my 2007 truck. The exhaust manifold on driver's side was cracked so had to be replaced. Also the intake manifold gasket was blown and leaking. I did these as 2 separate repairs, a week apart. When they did the intake they were supposed to give me new coolant and oil change (it's part of how they do that repair) but when I got back home I noticed straight up water in the coolant reservoir (GM). So had to go back yesterday for them to fix it. The owner was horrified when he saw it. The mechanics are good otherwise but kind of wild childs. Then one of the sensor wires they did not place back correctly so when I was driving back it was melting to the exhaust manifold (I could smell it while driving). Owner fixed it all himself next day and kept apologizing. Can be tough with small shops, peer pressure, buddy-system, etc. But yeah gotta keep on top of things if you're the owner. It can be tough in local places though, some just tell you to drop of your vehicle and maybe they get to it in 1-2 weeks -- just for diagnosis. Who can do that? Another one kept asking me if I really wanted to repair all that, given the fact it wasn't exactly the newest vehicle. I think that's called irony :D But running great now. It's got under 100k on it and those 4.3l engines last forever. Given the price of new (and used) vehicles this just seems like the better thing to do. Bloomberg made the determination recently that vehicle manufacturers are intentionally keeping stock lean and prices high as their current method to meet their bottom line. And I don't see that changing back.

    When I first moved here I had a Ford Fairmont Futura 1980, a cool car. I didn't drive it much after I got my truck. One day while at work my wife called me and asked me if I had sold or done something with the Futura. Well I didn't, but a guy came on our property and stole everything metal, including the car. 2 days later detectives found it at a junkyard, wheels off, busted up, getting ready to get crushed. Such a lovely place :D The car was now part of a crime and so had to be impounded and moved to the tow place across from the Sheriff's station. I was then required to have the car delivered to my house for hundreds of dollars. I asked if they could take it to the junkyard instead, they would not. I had to take it into my possession. So law enforcement forced me to have the car delivered back to my house, busted up and without wheels. In effect getting penalized for the car's theft. Luckily after some time an old metal guy (no not the same guy, he got caught) asked me if he could take it away. He even paid me $150 I think.

    The car looked like this but with upgraded wheels:


    Not long before it got stolen, I had it parked at a friend's house where I was visiting and later my wife picked me up there to go somewhere and my friend said, "you can leave it here overnight and pick it up tomorrow if you want." So I did and that night teenagers had driven by egging people's cars, and the egg hit the windshield in such a a way it busted it up. Like I said, lovely place :D Couldn't find a replacement. In the end it wasn't necessary, because it got stolen. But that car was cool to drive.
    -c0dez3ro- likes this.
  13. Ghost

    Ghost Administrator

    1967, they run around $40,000 in decent good shape, even more if it is totally done.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
    -c0dez3ro- likes this.

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